No mention of group number, it was allotted for proper record keeping, by not providing group number u are mishandling ur record.
Unable to find, who wrote which portion?
This is compiled report, while every member was instructed to send his/ her report individually. In our record this report will stand in the name from whose email it was sent
In report interview, do not write questions, only answers are required. Unless some sensitive are accuracy demands.
No authenticity of the so called report attached as document, as this is not reputed organization, carried no registration number, no name of the signing person,
Whatever the signatory has claimed, on what basis? Was any survey conducted? If so by whom, when? Under what project, to whom it was presented?  
No uniformity of type fonts and their size
This is not investigative report, its is copy pasted and based on some thesis research.
Referred back, File till Sunday Sep 29, 2019 according to proposal. Follow instruction for sending report
Some areas of report are marked. 
No proper fotos
Ur topic "CHILD BEGGAR MAFIA IN HYDERABAD" is not proved. 

Group 3 
Abdul Saboor (leader) (2k17/mc/05)
Hamza Shaikh (2k17/mc/62)
Zaryab Khan (2k17/mc/106)


Pakistan’s present as well as its future depends on the survival, protection, rights, and development of its children, who constitute the majority of our population. Our children are not our future. They are our present – here and now.
Our children are our most precious citizens. We need to love and cherish and protect them. Thus, we must be entirely honest in responding to an important questions: IS Pakistan really failing its children?
This para conveys nothing [It is a sad reflection that there arises even the need to pose such a question, almost two decades into the New Millennium. Are there any other countries around the world where such questions need to be asked, or are being asked?]
Hyderabad, is the eighth-largest city of Pakistan and second-largest city of Sindh Province with a population of 1,386,330 (wrong figure, refer census report 2017). The city is rich in its traditions, history and culture. But sadly, also rich in poverty and that’s why the amount of beggars are increasing and the peoples from kachi abadi or suburbs of Hyderabad are habituate to begging and they also train their children to beg, because of children are both voiceless and powerless and they can melt anyone’s heart by their innocent faces and actions and peoples don’t restrain their selves to give them money or food. This is the beneficial point for parents of those children.
We observed that there’s two types of child beggars, one are those who come from suburbs of Hyderabad and the other ones are those who comes from nowhere. With the word nowhere I mean that there’s also a kind of child beggars who has no identity, from where they comes from and who sent them for begging and what other activities they do beside begging? Is there any mafia behind all of them who force them to beg or they all are mafia themselves?.
No need, as byline will be there. [ I along my team mates Zaryab khan and Hamza Shaikh done  investigation on child beggars and try to bring the actual footage of beggars to the public.]


This is not thesis research, rather its investigative report; rephrase this para, making interesting and informative, to catch the attention of reader: [This was survey designed to identify the main issues related to child begging or street children. The first phase involved identifying the areas in the city where child beggars worked. The second phase comprised a series of interviews of the children. To earn their trust, the survey was carried out in several stages. First researchers identified child beggars and made contact through an initial conversation. They were then approached again on several occasions to establish a climate of confidence. The children opened up very quickly. Once they were given attention, they were very eager to talk and to provide the information requested. No child refused to speak. This survey method was possible because the children generally have well-defined begging territories. Some children work an area rather than a fixed location, their patch is generally very small and finding them is easy. Examples of these areas are the traffic signals, cloth markets, street food outlets etc. Interview consisted of open discussions with the children carried out in public places.

Interview with Child:
Not required in Q, A form
What is your name?


How old are you?

12 years old.

What is yours father do?

My father is no more with us.

Where’s your mother and what’s she do?

My mother is admitted in hospital.

Which hospital?

I don’t know the name of hospital.

How many siblings do you have?

Two younger brothers.

Where do you live?

Near Hyderabad railway station.

I was at saddar Hyderabad when I met her and asked her all these questions and she replies me like she’d already prepared for all these questions and in the end I asked her how do you manage to come here from railway station it’s a quite distance and now how you go back to your home its 12:00 AM? She gave no reply and ask me for money. I said sit here at restaurant and eat some food and I’ll also give you parcel for your family but she said no and again asked me for money and again I repeat my offer but she refused and walked away. After five minutes when I complete my meal I look around and try to find her here and there to follow her and further talk to her. But eventually she vanished like she were not here before.

Police Stations Hyderabad:
Not mention ur efforts, rather go the results. Info u got thru these efforts, rephrase this para. Like—According to police recors…….In this investigation we take start with some major police stations of Hyderabad for primary data which included how many child missing or kidnapping reports were filled in whole year and FIRs against child beggars who involved in any kind of criminal act, because if there’s continuity in child missing or kidnapping  and child crime is the sign that probably something went wrong.  But there’s no any report were filed about child beggars doing any criminal act and even not a single child missing or kidnapping report were filled in any of these major police stations of Hyderabad ever according to the SHO’s of these stations or maybe the officials don’t want to share with us, we asked the reason behind that and they said first of all if children do a crime we don’t filled any FIR about them because there’s no law for underaged children, so all we do is slapped and scold them and make them free again. We do not need ur dairy or travelogue pls. [After this we moved on our second step, NGOs, here is the some reports of NGOs about child beggars or street children.]

Characteristics and organization of beggars.
DO not put full stop in heading
[ Rephrase:Three categories of information were collected form child beggars.] The first covered personal characteristics, age, sex, and whether or not they lived with their parents. The term “Parents” is used in the board sense to mean all the adults of the household, and is not limited to the biological parents. The second category covers the situation of the parents, specifically their employment finally, the third category concerns the organization of begging.

 Following paras  and table are taken from research thesis.
We do not need this, if needed u can quotes some sentences not strengthen ur point, but u have to give researchers exact name, place and year). This is supposed to be secondary data, not primary, Investigative report is based on primary data.
 Regarding the characteristics of surveyed children, note that no child above the age of 14 was interviewed during the survey. This is hardly surprising, since the children turn to other activities beyond a certain age. Children moved to words more profitable activities such as washing cars, carrying parcels etc. The critical age is around 10 years, and could be tied to the fact that younger children inspire more pity than older once. Children start begging on their own at age 4 or 5. This does not mean that children below 4 do not beg. However, rather, they are accompanied by relatives or an adult as they generally not sufficiently autonomous to be left unattended. Our choice of survey method excluded these children.

Children’s characteristics
Age (years)
Below 5
5 to 14
Lives with parents
Both parents
One parents
  Girls are as involved in begging as boys, but girls are less likely to beg in the street beyond age 10 because they find domestic work as housemaids. A cross-tabulation by age and sex shows that girls are represented in all age categories and that there is no significant difference between boys and girls in the structure by age. The primary activity of these children is begging. They do not go to school, but this does not prove that a dichotomy exists between schooling and begging. Our most interviews took place during the day, in other words, at a time when children are supposed to be in school. As a result, our survey can only include unschooled children. However, many accounts by NGO workers suggest that some children beg after school, other than that children who works during the day begs at night. It is limited to those whose sole activity is begging. The children in our survey are from families who are unable to pay for schooling. Descriptive statistics indicate, moreover, that their parents are in situations of extreme poverty.

Data on the situation of parents shed light on the family context of begging. Of all parents, only 2 mothers and 3 fathers have no occupations, and only 1 of the 11 children interview belong to households where at least one adult has an occupation, and the majority of children have 2 active parents. The concept of occupation is used broadly and includes begging, collecting garbage etc. For all parents, the occupation may be considered has informal.

Among mothers, out of 5 are also beggars, and in all cases they work in causal employment (street vendor, washer woman, etc.) Father also holds jobs they are typical of poor households (porter, coalman, garbage collector, etc.) Finally, some parents do not work owing to illness or disability all families of child baggers live in extreme poverty.

Mother’s activity
Don’t know
Health of parents
At least one parent ill
Parents healthy

Father’s activity
Don’t know



     The information collected on the organization of begging covers travel to the begging area, begging itself, the way the money is spend and the use of physical violence by parents against children to ensure that they bring they money.

NGOs Reports:
Children are the gems of society but some causes force them bagging, working and make them  baggers or street child which is very harmful for any country and in Pakistan child baggers or street child increasing day by day. But some organizations are working for those children like SPARC, HRRO and so on.
 (Attributions should be by name of person)
 Sparc are working on some parts of the country and its operating four Centers for street children. According to the CSC report on the street child are as follow that in Hyderabad highlighted issues like child marriages, domestic labor and corporal punishment on media and conducted meetings regarding them with parliamentarians and police departments. 625 stakeholders, 240 Government officials and 1058 community members were reached through meetings, awareness sessions and workshops. The center’s management registered 630 children; 215 boys and 415 girls. They were provided with different opportunities throughout the year like to participate in sports tournaments of regional and provincial level, to go on recreational trips for exposure and were provided with free medical camps .Children were involved in a number of healthy competitions e-g drawing and were given lectures regarding health and hygiene were delivered, The life based skill session were conducted on a daily basis and comprised of interactive discussions, documentaries, animated videos, storytelling etc. Awareness raising lectures were also delivered to the street children involved in drugs. 32 children were enrolled in public schools whereas 630 children between the ages of 5 – 17, received non-formal education according to their levels of learning, in Rawalpindi catered to more than 404 children including both boys and girls between the ages of 5 to 18. 225 children were mainstreamed in different Government schools, 4 recreational trips were arranged during the year as well as 2 medial camps were arranged for community and street children, in Multan during the year 2017, 60 children were enrolled in Multan’s center for street children among which 32 were boys and 28 were girls. These children were provided with regular sessions on life skills based education including effective communication and mannerism. They were also given psycho-social lessons regarding expressing their emotions, adopting polite behavior and being understanding and respectful towards one another.  Due to provision of non-formal education at the center, almost 30 children got mainstreamed in the nearby schools. Two medical camps were organized during the year, for free medical checkups for the children of the center and their families.
 HRRO are working all over the Sindh. According to HRRO survey report and approximately twenty five thousand plus children are working on  homes, brick making industries  and other works.  The age of those children are 14-15 years.

Expert Views on Street Children or Child Baggers:
Street Children or child baggers are increasing day by day which is very harmful  for the society and its make hurdle in the development of country because youth is treasure for any country. Some are causes which I think that make children baggers one of them is divorce and separation because the ratio of divorce and separation is high in our society, second cause is second marriage which disturb the children and children try to run from the house, third cause is foreign culture which increase the sexual activities, fourth cause is illiteracy because parents think their child go school so he/she waste their time so they make them labors and some of parents sell their children and some parents make them baggers because they think  it is the best way to earn money and sympathy, fifth cause is kidnapping because some people kidnap the child and hit the child and break the hand leg or damage eyes and make them baggers, sixth cause of poverty and unemployment.
 We need to do stop them and  Government should take action like to give the free education, implement on the acts which are for children, work for stopping the kidnapping, and uncover those peoples who make it business and arrest those parents who force their children to bag. Besides, government the NGOs who are register for the rights of children and not working for the children should work for those children to stop the violation of their rights.
Baggi Soomro (C.E.O of Human Rights Rassai Organization):
Live for humanity. This line inspired the Baggi Somroo, [no relevance: he was born in district Umarkot  in 5/10/1982. He got his primary education from Umarkot and he did diploma in communication skills from NUST.]
Not in Q –A form pls
What’s your work?
I am a business man and  I have my company and as well as I am also a contractor and I have my own lands and as well as animal farm.
What thing oppressed you to make this organization?
I was social activist and I hadn’t any organization but Rmasha Wasan murder case which was happened in Khairpur oppressed me to make an Organization so I made a Human Right Rassai Organization (HRRO).
 What are the goals of your organization?                                                            
The main goal of my organization is served for humanity and stop the violation of rights. We especially focused on Women and Children cases.
Which work your organization do for children?
We solved many cases of children like child labor, bonded labor and much more. Now we have aim to start the registration of those children who worked in bungalows and houses.  
What do you think about the Child Baggers or child bagging?
Children are the treasure of our country but when I see the children are begging I feel very sad and I wants to help them.
 In your views what are the main causes of Child bagging?
In my view the major causes of child bagging are illiteracy, poverty and unemployment, drugs and not marry on time.

     Children who were once valued as an asset are now seen as a burden for poor families. They are expected to earn their living and support their relatives, and begging is one form of child activity that benefits the parents. All study findings also raise questions on the family rationales which lead to child begging. Giving it exploratory nature, however, we can only give some tentative interpretation. The typology suggest that from age 8 to 9 there is a transition for many children from exploitation to abandonment or neglect. A further survey to analyze trajectories in more detail by interviewing former child beggars and parents would certainly offer new insight into the many questions that our study leaves unanswered.    


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