
Showing posts with the label Abid Mazari

ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ Compiled Report

Poor  fotos not good NO description of Jmashoro, though i suggested in proposal to include  it  Compiled report. Each group member was directed to send his/her individual report, We did not received individual reports of Naseem and Mujtaba.  Despite repeated instructions, u failed to mention ur group No, thou u were allotted it. Mind it, these both can be problematic for u in final assessment  Roll Nos are also missing   Mail was sent to Abid Mazari on his individual report mail that:  Pls compile ur group members report and send me compiled report with subject line and file name of compiled report of Group No..... Compiled report should carry each members names, roll, class and mention which part is done by whom in the start, also mention their name at the part of their report. u should also go thru the all members report and see whether its making some sense ? is it according to outline? ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ مافيا انويسٽيگيشن رپورٽ؛ عابد حسين، نسي

Abid Mazari I.R ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ

Pls compile ur group members report and send me compiled report with subject line and file name of compiled report of Group No..... Compiled report should carry each members names, roll, class and mention which part is done by whom in the start, also mention their name at the part of their report. u should also go thru the all members report and see whether its making some sense ? is it according to outline? ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ مافيا انويسٽيگيشن رپورٽ؛ عابد حسين هن جديد دور ۾ دنيا جي هر ملڪ ۽ شهر جي ترقي جي سڃاڻپ ٽرانسپورٽ هوندي آهي. صاف سٿري ۽ دلڪش بس اڄ جي دور ۾ انساني زندگي جو معيار ۽ تهذيب يافيا معاشري جو هڪ مثالي نمونون پيش ڪندي آهي. هن وقت جاپان بلٽ ٽرين 220 ڪلو ميٽر في ڪلاڪ جي رفتار سان هلائڻ جو ڪامياب تجربو ڪيو آهي. لنڊن ۾ زيري زمين ٽيوب سروس پنهنجو مٽ پاڻ آهي. نيويارڪ ۽ واشنگٽن ٽيڪسيون ۽ تيز رفتار ٽرينون اتان جي شهرين لاءِ وڏي ۽ بنيادي سهولت آهي اگر جي ڳالھ پاڪستان جي ڪجي ته هتان جو بسن جو سسٽم ناڪارا بڻيل آهي. رد ٿيل ۽ ريٽائيرڊ بسون اڃان به هلايون وينديون آهن