
Showing posts from October, 2019

M Hamza I.R Individual

Not satisfactory  Still copy paste is there By; whom? Roll No... ? Group?  -  should mention this all here too  What about compiled report? Earlier report was referred back with this note:  No mention of group number, it was allotted for proper record keeping, by not providing group number u are mishandling ur record. Unable to find, who wrote which portion? This is compiled report, while every member was instructed to send his/ her report individually. In our record this report will stand in the name from whose email it was sent In report interview, do not write questions, only answers are required. Unless some sensitive are accuracy demands. No authenticity of the so called report attached as document, as this is not reputed organization, carried no registration number, no name of the signing person, Whatever the signatory has claimed, on what basis? Was any survey conducted? If so by whom, when? Under what project, to whom it was presented?    No uniformity o

Abid Mazari I.R ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ

Pls compile ur group members report and send me compiled report with subject line and file name of compiled report of Group No..... Compiled report should carry each members names, roll, class and mention which part is done by whom in the start, also mention their name at the part of their report. u should also go thru the all members report and see whether its making some sense ? is it according to outline? ڄامشوري ۾ ٽرانسپورٽ مافيا انويسٽيگيشن رپورٽ؛ عابد حسين هن جديد دور ۾ دنيا جي هر ملڪ ۽ شهر جي ترقي جي سڃاڻپ ٽرانسپورٽ هوندي آهي. صاف سٿري ۽ دلڪش بس اڄ جي دور ۾ انساني زندگي جو معيار ۽ تهذيب يافيا معاشري جو هڪ مثالي نمونون پيش ڪندي آهي. هن وقت جاپان بلٽ ٽرين 220 ڪلو ميٽر في ڪلاڪ جي رفتار سان هلائڻ جو ڪامياب تجربو ڪيو آهي. لنڊن ۾ زيري زمين ٽيوب سروس پنهنجو مٽ پاڻ آهي. نيويارڪ ۽ واشنگٽن ٽيڪسيون ۽ تيز رفتار ٽرينون اتان جي شهرين لاءِ وڏي ۽ بنيادي سهولت آهي اگر جي ڳالھ پاڪستان جي ڪجي ته هتان جو بسن جو سسٽم ناڪارا بڻيل آهي. رد ٿيل ۽ ريٽائيرڊ بسون اڃان به هلايون وينديون آهن


Revised SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ASPECTS OF ISMAILI COMMUNITY OF HYDERABAD Urooj Tharani Roll# 2K17/MC/152 Ismailism is a branch of Shia Islam. They got the title Ismaili when they accepted Imam Ismail Ibn Jafar as Imam. They believe in oneness of God and Prophet Muhammad as last Caliph. Ismailis are in Hyderabad since pre-partition. In starting they were in minority but now in Hyderabad there are five colonies of Ismailis Prince Ali, Mubarak housing society, Aminabad colony and Aliabad where almost 7,500 to 8000 Ismaili families live. Now Ismailis found in majority in pakistan and India but they are also found in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Iraq, East Africa, Angola, Lebanon, and South Africa, and have emigrated to Europe, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, and Trinidad and Tobago. There are also a significant number of Ismailis in Central Asia. Ismailis called by the name Khowaja but it is not khowaja the real title is

kashan sikandar مٹکا چائے feature

فیچر کاشان سکندر 2K17/MC/51 BS-PIII                      حیدرآباد کی مشہور مٹکا چائے چائے کو ہمارے معاشرے میں ایک اہم مشروب سمجھا جاتا ہے۔آپ جہاں بھی جائیں وہاں زیادہ ترآپ کو چائے پیش کی جاتی ہے یہاں تک کہ مہمانوں کی خاطر تواضع کی ابتداء بھی چائے سے ہوتی ہے۔آپ باہر دوست سے ملے تو چائے،گھر تھکے ہوئے جائیں تو چائے،میزبان بن گئے تو چائے،مہمان بن گئے تو چائے،ناشتے میں چائے،سر میں درد ہو تو چائے حتی کہ ایسا لگتا ہے کہ ہمارا زندگی کا مقصد بس چائے پینا ہی رہ گیا ہے۔       ''مانتا ہوں جناب پیتا ہوں        ٹھیک ہے بے حساب پیتا ہوں        لوگ تو لوگوں کا خون پیتے ہیں        میں تو پھر بھی صرف چائے پیتا ہوں '' چائے وہ خاص مشروب ہے جس کے تعارف کروانے کا سہرا چینیوں کے سر جاتا ہے جبکہ کہا جاتا ہے کہ اسے برصغیر میں گوروں نے روشناس کروایا۔ ہمارے معاشرے میں مختلف اقسام کی چائے پینے کا رواج  ہے۔کوئی دودھ پتی چائے کوئی ادرک تو کوئی کشمیری چائے کا دیوانہ ہے مگر جس منفرد چائے کا ذکر آج میں کررہا ہوں وہ ہے ''مٹکا چائے''جی ہاں مٹکا چائے جوکہ مشروب بھی

umul banin english feature

Name: Umul Banin Roll no: 108 Subject: Creative writing “Superstitions” Walking on the road towards the market with my mother, suddenly a black crossed our way. My mother stopped me and said, “Let’s go from another path. If we cross from this way something bad will happen to us as the black cat has crossed our way”. When we reached at market my slipper broke. My mother immediately said, “See, I told you something bad will happen to us today because of that black cat who crossed our way”. I was confound to hear that because I couldn’t understand the logic behind that. My slipper was too old and about to break, what’s the fault of that innocent cat who was just going on her own way. My mother said, “Everyone used to say this and this is the truth. Don’t ask unnecessary questions”. I was a kid at that time, so I believed it but when I grew up, I came to know that these so called notions are known as superstitions. The word originates with the ancient Romans, as opposite of some

gul khan article english

DIGITAL MARKETING CHANGES THE WAY OF             TRADITIONAL MARKETING Gul Baloch 2k17/MC/158 Digital marketing is still growing in the world day by day through the headline global marketing index. Yesterday, when I was coming back from university, I saw a billboard of a shoe brand it was a good casual shoes. So, I decided to buy it from any nearby outlet but at the same time I was confused if the shoes were in my budget or not. So, before buying it, I thought of searching it online and at last I came to know that it was in my budget. Here we are going to know more about digital marketing.  Traditional marketing is about placing advertisements in places where your audience will have no chance of missing it because all printed and only sending messages like newspapers, TV, radio and billboards are all forms of traditional marketing. It is very hard to find out targeted audiences on traditional media.  Digital marketing is a bit different. It is introduced for use of digital chann